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Ozone Calendar

A week begins with Sunday. Fainter images are shown in the previous and following months. Missing days are indicated with a plain gray globe.

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Palette relating map colors to ozone values

The latest false-color view of total ozone over the Antarctic pole. The purple and blue colors are where there is the least ozone, and the yellow and reds are where there is more ozone..

What is Ozone?

Ozone is a colorless gas. Chemically, ozone is very active; it reacts readily with a great many other substances. Near the Earth's surface, those reactions cause rubber to crack, hurt plant life, and damage people's lung tissues. But ozone also absorbs harmful components of sunlight, known as “ultraviolet B”, or “UV-B”. High above the surface, above even the weather systems, a tenuous layer of ozone gas absorbs UV-B, protecting living things below.

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