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Krishnendu Mitra


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How to I post my product here?

If you want to publish your product in WHITE LOTUS , then we say that you choose correct option. First of all, register yourself with us and then you can send your product to us very easily, For this you need to fill a form which will help you to register with us. Register yourself with this link:
and register your products using this link:

But before you fill this form, it's good to know some important points.
Your product must be completely free and non-copyrightable. And make sure other required point is maintain in your product.

What is the criteria of any product to publish here?

If you publish your product in WHITE LOTUS, then make sure your product must complete the points of requireness. The main details provide in here, But a quick review is following..

  1. Free of cost
  2. Non-copyright
  3. No harmful content
  4. Product have a DP and 3 sliding images
    • DP size ratio is 16:9 or 1:1
    • Sliding image or Preview image size ratio is 16:9 or 3:2
    • Image extansion maybe .png or .jpg or .jpeg
  5. Author names and contact is given in product
    • Author's real name is not required
    • Real email id is required
  6. A sort description is included
  7. Supporting videos
  8. Google drive link
  9. etc..

Above points is important to publishing but for more clear instruction visit the given link and after send your product to reviewing and publish, your product is display at max to max after 6 days if it not have any error.

Why my product don't have any star rating?

Basically star rating is not provide when your product don't have any rate Preview(0 rating) or another reason is your product details have any error mean you are not carefully filed the product sending form. Check your given email messages, if any error email is not provide by WHITE LOTUS then write mail to us and mention your name, product name and problems. Go to our contact page Click here.

How to delete my product?

Deleting your any product process is very easy, Go to our Product Delete page Click here or write a mail to WHITE LOTUS. Mention your name, product name, deleting reasons. After few time lates you got a confirmation reply, when you send the confirmation back to WHITE LOTUS then your product is delete automatically in 3 days.

May I publish any type of document here?

No, the type product is pre define check our page to know how many kind of product you publish here, defferent shop is able to display defferent type of product.

How to get the link of my product?

If your product is published in WHITE LOTUS then you have the link in you given email's message. But if you quick share it then go to your product and check a green chain icon in your product head, the click it and now your link copy in your clipboard. If you don't find your product then conform that your product is present in WHITE LOTUS. Or contact us to our email with your name and product name and your problems Click here.
