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Weather forecast by White Lotus

Weather forecasts, Ozone history and green environment
quiz in a fast and elegant way

Weather Report

















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6 days forecast:

The graph showing above represent 6 days temparature forecast. Although the data are not accurate due to the unexpected wether change, as it may changes with time.

TermsValue Temparature Sky Conditions Location Date Air Pressure Wind Speed Angle of Wind Humidity Feel Temparature Minimum Temparature Maximum Temparature Sea Level* Ground Level* Longitude Latitude Sun Rise Time Sun Set Time Country Code* Time Zone Last Update Cloudiness Map Type

The table data where these symbols(*) are in the above table may not appear in this data-table, depending on the location given in search box.

If you want to advertise your company in this website, you can contact us, we do it at very low cost. We have a lot of online traffic coming here every day, they can come and see your ads very easily. Contact us immediately for more details. Click here.

One Search Natur Conditions

Subscribe to our website and get all weather data for any coordinats with a single search.
Access current weather data for any location including over 2000,000 cities, state, counters.
More interesting part is use needed weather data in free of cost.

Included DataShowing Mode Primary Weather dataCard LocationGoogle Map 6 Days ForecastGraph Secondary Weather dataData Table Ozone dataHistorical Events
Calculation for Whitelotus x64

What to do we offer

Here is a brief outline of what we want to serve to our audience

















Current Weather

Here we provide our followers with all the useful information about today's weather absolutely free. In particular, the important points of the day such as temperature, wind speed, amount of rain, sunsets time etc. are arranged at that particular section. From where we all can know about the state of our nature and take proper action when needed.

Global Location

When we see something at eye level we understand it better, so with that in mind here is the world map. Temperature, wind current, cloud position etc. are all understood by this map. And there is also a map of a particular place but it is available only if you subscribe to us. Also, the map used by the public provides weather forecasts for the entire world.

Weekly Forecast

Basically we provide our audience with the information about the upcoming 6 days weather of given location, where a beautiful line-graph is given of the average temperature of those 6 days. Since the weather changes at any time, it is not always possible to provide accurate information for all places, so the average temperature information is given based on long-term research.

Ozone Forecast

We all know the importance of ozone gases in our earth's atmosphere. So we need to know the changes in ozone gas level due to constant pollution so that we can be aware. So this ozone gas data is interpreted with historical events and some data of the previous month. So this whole thing is shown here with some pictures and illustrations which will change from time to time.

Environment Quiz

Here is a very nice and informative quiz present. The main reason for its existence is to increase public awareness towards the environment So that everyone can think about the good and bad of the environment to make our world more beautiful. Sometimes special quizzes are organized where certificates are given to those who win that quiz.


There are very nice videos on weather or how to use this web etc on our youtube channel also some videos can be seen here. Through these videos you can gain a vast knowledge on our content. Not only this, this information can also play a very important role in your daily life. Our own developers have made these videos for us or you so that you can get a better understanding of this web. And if you like these videos, they will make more videos like this in future.


Nature is the study of everything in the
universe that's beyond our own mind

18 July 2023

Palette relating map colors to ozone values

The latest false-color view of total ozone over the Antarctic pole. The purple and blue colors are where there is the least ozone, and the yellow and reds are where there is more ozone..

Antarctic ozone map


Antarctic ozone map


Antarctic ozone map


Antarctic ozone map


Antarctic ozone map


Antarctic ozone map


View the latest status of the ozone layer over the Antarctic, with a focus on the ozone hole. Satellite instruments monitor the ozone layer, and we use their data to create the images that depict the amount of ozone. See ozone calendar..

Years1997 federal standard(>0.08ppm)2008 federal standard(>0.08ppm)2015 federal standard(>0.08ppm) 202097142157 201971101126 201859108141 201782122145 201663103132 20154781113 20145492126 201365111122 201263102123 201171106123 201063102129 200981113140 200879119126 200778108129 200685114113 200583116135 200488115148 2003109133151 200296132146

What is Ozone?

Ozone is a colorless gas. Chemically, ozone is very active; it reacts readily with a great many other substances. Near the Earth's surface, those reactions cause rubber to crack, hurt plant life, and damage people's lung tissues. But ozone also absorbs harmful components of sunlight, known as “ultraviolet B”, or “UV-B”. High above the surface, above even the weather systems, a tenuous layer of ozone gas absorbs UV-B, protecting living things below.


Roll of Ozone:

The Earth's atmosphere is composed of several layers. Most atmospheric ozone is concentrated in a layer in the stratosphere, about 9 to 18 miles(15 to 30 km) above the Earth's surface(see the figure below). Ozone is a molecule that contains three oxygen atoms. At any given time, ozone molecules are constantly formed and destroyed in the stratosphere. The total amount has remained relatively stable during the decades that it has been measured.

The ozone layer in the stratosphere absorbs a portion of the radiation from the sun, preventing it from reaching the planet's surface. Most importantly, it absorbs the portion of UV light called UVB. UVB has been linked to many harmful effects, including skin cancers, cataracts, and harm to some crops and marine life.

What is the Ozone hole?

Each year for the past few decades during the Southern Hemisphere spring, chemical reactions involving chlorine and bromine cause ozone in the southern polar region to be destroyed rapidly and severely. This depleted region is known as the “ozone hole”. The area of the ozone hole is determined from a map of total column ozone.
It is calculated from the area on the Earth that is enclosed by a line with a constant value of 220 Dobson Units. The value of 220 Dobson Units is chosen since total ozone values of less than 220 Dobson Units were not found in the historic observations over Antarctica prior to 1979. Also, from direct measurements over Antarctica, a column ozone level of less than 220 Dobson Units is a result of the ozone loss from chlorine and bromine compounds.

What is Ozone depletion?

Ozone layer depletion is the thinning of the ozone layer present in the upper atmosphere. Ozone depletion consists of two related events observed since the late 1970s: a steady lowering of about four percent in the total amount of ozone in Earth's atmosphere, and a much larger springtime decrease in stratospheric ozone around Earth's polar regions. The latter phenomenon is referred to as the ozone hole.
The main causes of ozone depletion and the ozone hole are manufactured chemicals, especially manufactured halocarbon refrigerants, solvents, propellants, and foam-blowing agents(chlorofluorocarbons(CFCs), HCFCs, halons), referred to as ozone-depleting substances(ODS).
Buy air-conditioning and refrigeration equipment that do not use HCFCs as refrigerant. Buy aerosol products that do not use HCFCs or CFCs as propellants. Conduct regular inspection and maintenance of air-conditioning and refrigeration appliances to prevent and minimize refrigerant leakage.


If you want to advertise your company in this website, you can contact us, we do it at very low cost. We have a lot of online traffic coming here every day, they can come and see your ads very easily. Contact us immediately for more details. Click here.

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Nature is the study of everything in the
universe that's beyond our own mind

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Krishnendu Mitra

Fullstack Web Designer

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Supporting Videos


global service

Weather forecasts, Ozone history and green
environment quiz in a fast and elegant way


We make hyper-local weather data open for any position

For each city on the globe, we provide current and weekly forecasted weather
data via light-speed APIs.


First of all, it is better to say that our WHITE LOTUS was established in 14 February 2023. So it didn't take us long for this team to come into existence. There were many reasons behind the establishment of this WHITE LOTUS but let me tell you the main reasons The reason one 1 is that by presenting enviorment science in front of everyone through this weather app, everyone can gain knowledge on nature theory in a scientific way by searching tricks. Therefore, all the details of the current green science are highlighted in the various social media platforms of this organization. From newly formed weather, ozone status, future technologies, we have everything we share with you. Not only this, with the help of this small team of scientists we have been able to present special events in green event(like: blood donation, tree planting, etc) our listeners. So we are making this website for many needs and requests of our audience so that they can keep an eye on all our knowledge from one place. The next reason is that, we have the greentech fest in our collage and our topic is made website where we show the current weather and green related quiz.Whatever the reason is happen the main vision is clear to us.

White Lotus also has a product-based system where educative documents are distributed in free of cost. In this scenario many users publish their products and others download it and gain knowledge from those special topics. Basically, some person want publish their book/presentation/biography/Research paper/Notes etc. But they not want to spend any money or make income source in it, so they try to found any way to publish it. White Lotus give you this opportunity to publish your document in a free of cost system where money does not have any priority as well as knowledge have. In 15 August 2023, PStorebyWhiteLotus system officialy publish for commone people.

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Nature is the study of everything in the
universe that's beyond our own mind

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Krishnendu Mitra
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How to develope my own weather website?

If you want to host your own weather website like WhiteLotus weather website then learn Html, Css, Javascript, mongoDb, Bootstrap, React/Node framework and FastApi to build it atom per atom. Also use inbuid Weather Api or direct access Satellite data via nural network, you also use your own data in your website and host it using a first host server. For more learning you can check out our youtube channel.

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May i help you dear user!
